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Nikon D2Xs

Nikon D2Xs

Nikon’s flagship digital SLR, the D2X, has been updated and now named the D2Xs. The new camera uses the 12.21 megapixel sensor from the previous model, delivering 5 frames per second of continuous shooting. New for this model is the “viewfinder masking” when shooting in Hi–Speed Crop mode, allowing the shooter to easily distinguish the smaller frame captured.

Rob Galbraith has an article covering the new camera which will surely be talk of the Nikon world in the coming months. Though some would contend that this will spark new rounds Nikon versus Canon debates, I refuse to agree. But I sure do hope that Canon picks a few innovations from the Nikon camp and makes it available to their loyal users. Certainly, advancements no matter how small or significant continue to enhance the state of digital photography for everyone concerned.